Finding your next job may be a matter of who you know. Or quite likely who we know.
Read any career book and you’ll learn all about the value of networking. It’s all true. And we encourage you to develop your network. But also know this: As a client of People-Capital, your network in the food industry is expanded in ways you can only imagine. That’s because the People-Capital team has experience working at an operational level with small companies, as well as food industry stalwarts such as General Mills, Proctor and Gamble, Kraft Foods, Kellogg’s, Nestle, National Starch and Chemical, Masterfoods USA, CP Kelco and Cargill.
So we know a lot of people. Just as important, we know how to penetrate companies to get to the decision-makers — the people beyond the HR department who know the real needs of a position and what kind of person will succeed in it. For you, that means more insight on more opportunities — sometimes even for jobs that haven’t been advertised. If you’re seeking a position in the food industry, contact us. We’d be happy to discuss how can help.

â—¾Human Resources
â—¾Supply Chain
â—¾C Suite
â—¾Research & Development